2.This song was on my mind for about a week.
3.Someone special told me today that I remind her of Anne Frank.
4.Thoughts were telling me today that racists or people whom into ideological and physical classifications are anti-culture. I'm not explaining an anti-racist thought, but a cultural claim as a change in focus.
Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
Values: a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
Meaning: what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action; important or worthwhile quality; purpose.
Quality: the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
5. I noticed that all my childhood idols were orphans.
مغامرات عدنان
ساندي بيل
بيل و سبستيان
لبنى السريعة
ابنتي العزيزة..راوية
فتاة المراعي
ليدي ليدي
Or children sent to private schools. Is it the time, after lots of wars? Is it to say that childhood adventures can emerge only away from our parents, or from authority? When I was a child, I used to think that my mom will go away someday like all those children. And when my mother goes outside, I used to sit on the threshold steps and scream: MAMA MAMA! (sometimes until she comes back!) and then I grew up to have a very independent nature.
I think the time affects the stories, because in early nineties the cartoons started the concept of alien creatures introduced to a certain family or friends and how this creature affected their lives.
The 90s collection is a completely different culture than that in my time. It is even different to the late nineties collection of cartoons, which introduced the transmittance of certain people to other worlds with an ability to control certain creatures in those worlds to fight and rescue people in danger.
and I wondered how those cartoons which deeply affected our little minds, transformed to the details of our mature minds. And is the reason behind the great fascination in Maroco is being the pure representation of a girl living with her middle class family, just like me. I think that Maroco is one of the rare cartoons which adopts the very mild everyday life as the core of the story.
[I will try to write a better article on this thought]
مغامرات عدنان
ساندي بيل
بيل و سبستيان
لبنى السريعة
ابنتي العزيزة..راوية
فتاة المراعي
ليدي ليدي
Or children sent to private schools. Is it the time, after lots of wars? Is it to say that childhood adventures can emerge only away from our parents, or from authority? When I was a child, I used to think that my mom will go away someday like all those children. And when my mother goes outside, I used to sit on the threshold steps and scream: MAMA MAMA! (sometimes until she comes back!) and then I grew up to have a very independent nature.
I think the time affects the stories, because in early nineties the cartoons started the concept of alien creatures introduced to a certain family or friends and how this creature affected their lives.
The 90s collection is a completely different culture than that in my time. It is even different to the late nineties collection of cartoons, which introduced the transmittance of certain people to other worlds with an ability to control certain creatures in those worlds to fight and rescue people in danger.
and I wondered how those cartoons which deeply affected our little minds, transformed to the details of our mature minds. And is the reason behind the great fascination in Maroco is being the pure representation of a girl living with her middle class family, just like me. I think that Maroco is one of the rare cartoons which adopts the very mild everyday life as the core of the story.
[I will try to write a better article on this thought]
WOW! iv done the same thing.. i had few shots of the moon today :)
hehe ee i thought of going to the sea bas 7asait ma yamdy chan ogaf bilshari3 yam baitna wa9ower... :D
inzain warna 5anshoof your trials @@
it should be here:
not published yet ;)
i loved the pic!!
what camera do u use deema?
The Simper:
shi'3il 3adil maltik a'9ba6 :D what is your zoom limit?
Cloudy Stars:
hala walla :D thank youuu
my camera is Nikon D80 with 18-135mm lens
bima inny awal marra a9ower ilmoon, istow3abt inna I have to under expose wayed to get a good skin tone for the moon.
welcome here :)
وأوشين ما لها طاري عندك
ما لها حظ مع ذكريات شخصيات الطفولة الكارتونية
خوش لقطة للقمر
nikon 8,
اوشين مسلسل :)
مو رسوم متحركة.. بس هم له حصة
mashkoora, bas laq6at simper a7san, li2anna ana msawya under expose wayed fa ma 9ar fee white tones fy wayh ilgumar :D
i have the lovely Nikkor 70-200 it is the best ;) and my pic was at 200mm
here is a site by NASA that features a picture of the day:
and the pic of the day for 12-12-2008 is:
ok bil3ithir... :D bas i think yours is better because the under exposure you did is better than mine
ilyom ilgamra a7la ma3a il'3aim :) bas ma 9awart ma kan 3indy camera
I'm still waiting for my dedication !
Dalal Arch
7abeebty hal gamra il7ilwa is dedicated to no one but you... :*
because certain faces needs certain dedications ;)
you're 3 days late bs ra7 a6wfha ;)
hell yes D you scream my language! Sinan gives me the sads big time...
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