انزين شلون كانت قياده السايق؟ سيتي باص معروفين برعونتهم ما احبهم متهورين
و شنو كانت الاغنية البديعه؟
عاد تصدقين .. انا توني اشوف البوست و اليوم و انا رايحه الدوام كان جدامي باص قدييييييييم باص تاتا عرفتيه؟ هذا اللي ودي اركبه عشان استعيد ذكريات المدرسة و الرحلات لأني ما اعتقد ركبت باص بالكويت غير باص المدرسه فراح يكون فلاش باك قوي .. و على شرط اقعد ورى آخر شي
ok, since I don't have a car... can I borrow your car next time you take the bus?
I used to take the bus to soug f7ai7eel from el mangaf, when I was around 14 to buy PS games... sometimes I sneaked inside and didn't have to pay, well actually most of the time... and I remember once I sat in the women's section, cuz I didn't know, and then an indian lady came w asked me to move... I didn't, then she pointed at the sign that says "for women" or something, ba3dain esta7ait 3ala wayhi w I sat aaaa5er shay
When you see a trainer at the Circus punishing lions to perform or stand on two feet, the audience usually clap..this is taken as a reward for this behaviour .. and i see alot of people doing the same here for this luxurious bus ride, instead of taking aim with VIRTUAL eggs and tomatos at this bus!
most of bus users have NO CHOICE in using the bus, its restricted to people with smaller income.. they simply have no better means for transportation.. evern in Western world.. the only other reason is that it maybe more convenient, saving the hastle of parking -with its expenses-
those working class population take the bus in every climate (snow, dust, rain) and not pick a convenient hour to use this facility .. seeing a full bus pass by followed by another, can only be managed by patience or curse!
the true meaning of this facility alot of people may never know, only those without an alternative ..only those without the golden spoon
Accessing a bus in kuwait -public or private- isent as easy as it should be.
i would have liked to see those 200 fils go to the benefit of people who worry about what they are going to be fed tonight, never mind getting on a bus!
this bus trip being in the social domain, can only be seen as a show off experience..even if the original intention wasent so otherwise, would would anyone make public statements about it!
I understand your point, but I didn't intend it to be a show-off experience -why would I?- and if you got that from the people's comments well i don't see clapping as much as a desire to participate..
I really wanted to start to seriously think of public transport because it can solve traffic problems and would also change or influence, or inspire cultural idioms and perspectives..
What I want to dilute is this connection between using the bus and our financial status. when you ask a person from Europe, he/she would definitely assure mindlessly that it is of an environmental concern or for the welfare of the society..
I really met people where they think it is a shame to have a car -and they're not necessarily tree huggers- they just found it an act out of laziness..
Well I didn't drop my car out, but I would really consider to manage a day off from my car_ but again it is not just an environmental concern I have -as it shows- it is also a cultural observation and indulgence.
I stand by what i said about the circus audience, they have an obligation to reward a desired behaviour and vice versa!
Using public transportation in this nation need an INFRA-STRUCTURE.. current facility is just not accessible. One need to bring the governments intention 1st before working on public awareness.. thats why a metro in Dubai will be used by the natives, because of the vision and planning that went into this project.
cant blame your courage for it, cant blame your excitement of being different, cant blame your desire to be the centre of attention and cant blame your enthusiasm, this is what we like to beleive "a free land" but, individual attempts -no matter how exciting it may seem on the day- is just like blowing at the wind! and i am not even a pessimist!
I truly believe that any claim of change should start from people themselves, governments -especially if it is democratic- should be a system responsive to people's changes in culture.
what's happening in Dubai is a decision of one man.. in Kuwait I cannot count the decision makers, we shouldn't be against the way we're living but we should show our changing behaviors physically so that those 50 members respond physically. we always claim change verbally as a demand, we should start to act.
riding a bus is exactly like a woman sitting in the men's waiting room, is exactly like selling banned books, like any act against a stupid generalization of a cultural behavior.
i agree with most of what you said. Change should come from people, yes. However, the part i disagree with is application and method of this excusion thats why individual attempts can have a negative impact rather than a positive one.
You just ask a lady or a guy who is getting harrassed -with every meaning this word can carry- for just wanting to be another Deema on the day by getting on another public (white and blue) bus at peak rush hour and not even managing a window seat!
Dubai is something that there isent enough word space to talk about here, despite everything wrong that is going on there,, when something positive comes out, there is nothing wrong in giving them -or him :P- credit for it!
As you eluded to, the biggest shame is when equality and freedom is handcuffed in the name of culture!
from time to time, i encounter people like youself.. looks like you still have alot to learn in this life, because you allowed your muscles to take the better of you!
for a start, respect should come from within. Everyone should have an OPINION, this opinion is likely to be different than others, this makes us human beings.. as long as respect is maintained
funny how someone like me can provoke you, despite the fact that i never directed my messages to you as a person, maybe you have taken a bigger leap than your legs can carry you, or maybe you are chewing on a much bigger feed than your mouth can digest..
In anycase.. but wether you dont have a threshold for people's opinions or you are trying to impress! in either case, your motive was wrong, thats why with only two lines you wrote, u came out small,, very small
You say, "I truly believe that any claim of change should start from people themselves."
Please explain; I hardly ever see great words like these mentioned by the non-ruling citizen.
Anonymous commentators are one person. You just keep that in mind.
As for public transportation as a method used by those of lower-income status, you're partially correct since it is so in many countries.
However, it isn't so in South America, where public transportation is considered a luxury, with people in suits and evening dresses get on the bus with everyone else. It's the culture.
Personally, perceiving public transportation as a necessity to preserve the environment would do wonders, especially in countries of high temperatures.
But public transportation is way off on the list when it comes to Kuwait. Taking care of other more crucial matters must supersede.
thank you for staying here for it is only recently that an anonymous arrives to this place, for the element of anonymity is interesting when associated to a place.
I wrote you a reply this morning, but the internet was down, and couldn't proceed to publish it..
well, to sum the whole idea i just want to say that we as people can be parts from the infrastructure of the society, just like electricity, water or streets, the difference is that we have minds. thus we can evaluate, choose and form and reform our spaces.
of course it's not you have in mind, it is neither exactly what i have in mind too, sorry for that but you how it feels when you write a long reply and then "puff" !
The Simper,
thank you :) .. but I can't carry this on my own..
lets teach our builders first then we can talk.. :D
There is a lot to talk about in your words that you addressed to me, so let me see.. And please don’t get offended by what I am about to say, I am just getting my point across,
1) I get the impression that you either live in a fantasy world or you are a foreign national. I have nothing against foreigners as i lived a substantial period of my life abroad where i had to stamp my Kuwaiti passport on a yearly basis in a place called "The Aliens Office"! in any case, u r very welcome to Q8
2) A lot of Evil acts were committed in this world because of anonymousity, take the KKK group in the states -another bad thing that came out of America- for example with all their racial crimes. That why some people say/do things they wouldn’t have said/done if they weren’t so anonymous! I know people who run some websites who send anonymous messages to themselves pretending they are from the public, just to "spicy up" the discussion, sick act I know! Thats not paranoia, these things happen
3) Funny you mention South America. I was there around the same time last year. Fantastic place, freindly people and wonderful working ethics . i must disagree that public transport is a form of luxury. It’s more "convenient". Men in suits and ladies in evening dresses is not exclusive to South America, people go out with an intention to socialise or to get drunk so they don’t have to run the risk of drunken driving! That’s culture for you
4) i am not an environment freak, i don’t even re-cycle! I care about the environment, i don’t litter for example! But, i am not giving up my car for the sake of the ozone layer.. The hell with that :)
5) I totally agree with your last bit, there are PRIORITIES in a country like Kuwait other than public transport.
just imagine someone in a coffee shop drinking an expensive coffee with raspberry for 2 kd and scribble on a piece of paper about the world poverty! in my books, it doesn’t add up!
I don't know what's up with all of this "don't get offended" attitude blogger have going on. I don't get offended unless .. well unless I'm betrayed or something.
As for anonymity, you're looking at it from a "glass half empty" kinda perspective. great literary and musical works were composed by anonymous people whose value of their work superseded the importance of fame and fortune.
As for being an alien, you're only so if you perceive yourself as one. It's all relative to how you perceive yourself and the other.
As for that last example, yeah it does not necessarily add up. People who advocate for the impoverished should lead by example.
i am taking it alot easier than seem to be conveying. We are not made of bricks so its natural that we defend what we beleive in. Its not about right or wrong, its about different opinions and values. Thats why you see a variation from a person to another within the same society.
كنت ادري فيج راح تسوينها
عجبتني الصحرا العامه
ماراح تقدرين تقرين الا بعدين لما تعود عينج على الطريج
hehe ee!
مرة في الأسبوع
من صجي التجربة وايد عادية، مو خيالية و لا صعبة و لا كريهة بالعكس الباص وايد نظيف، اللي أنا نفسي ما تخيلت راح يكون الموضوع بهالسهولة
يمكن المرة الثانية أجرب شركة ثانية على شان أقارن؟ مادري
امتلكت الجرأة! الباص نظيف لانه بالخالدية و الروضة و العديلية
بهالمناطق ما يتعرض لقصف "نباطوي" ولا هو مزحوم بنقل العمال لمحل سكناهم أو .. عملهم
خبرتي الوحيدة بالباصات ، باص رحلات الاشبال!
بعدين اشفيه الاسم المكرر؟ أنا اسمي مكرر بالعكس يعطي هوية مميزة
تجربة جميله.. وجريئة منج
ولكن الطريق محدود لذلك ماكو الا 5 او الباص بشكل عام مو زحمة بعكس الباصات اللي اشوفها بمناطق مثل الشويخ، الجليب، داخل الديرة
و الله مو جرأة، بس أخذت الأمور ببساطة
الباص ركبته من جبلة (كما ذكرت) و ذهبنا منها إلى المباركية ثم شرق ثم شارع الاستقلال إلى شارع تونس في حولي ثم الدائري الرابع
و كلٍ على وجهته، بس أنا لاحظت ان سيتي باص كشركة عموما أنظف من الشركات الأخرى، لكن يمكن راح أجرب غيرها على شان أفهم
ما فيه شي الإسم المكرر!:) بس هذا التساؤل لازم يطري عليّ لما أسمع أو أقرا إسم متكرر، لأن فعلا غريب و مميز أكيد مثل ما ذكرت
مثل تساؤلنا و احنا صغار إذا كانوا اللي عيونهم خضر يشوفون الدنيا خضرا
walla u did it gurl :-}
u cracked me up by some of ur notes,
but "public desert" ?!!
nag9een ghbar ;P
بس نسيت أبين مسألة هاشم بابا
لأن سمعت إن بابا تزاد على الإسم إذا وُلد الأب بدون حضور والده
و هو تقليد وارد في بلاد فارس على علمي، و لذلك هناك اسم علي بابا مثلاً
hehe nigdar n7awe6ha ib sidir ;p
You Did It!
أنا قايل
قعدات البنت يم الكنيسة وروحاتها بالقوايل بروحها لازم تنتهي بشي مثير
أشوة اللي لحقنا عليج لما ركبتي الباص
خوش خوش
اليوم باص
مو ناقص إلا قاري باجر
بس الصج تجربة مثيرة
أقصد تدوين الرحلة مو الرحلة
وبعدين شنو هالروت الدايخ، من شرق لي حولي علشان أوصل الخالدية عن طريق العديلية، لا ومشي من جسر المشاة
شاللي حادني
أتمنى تعيدين التجربة يوم يمعة أو أحد، علشان نقارن
وترى كلش ما عجبني دعمج للقطاع الخاص، شفيه باص المواصلات الأزرق مال شركة النقل العام، صج إنه بدون تكييف بس على الأقل حكومي
Next time you're taking me along with you :)))
يا زينج زيناااه
والله وسويتيها
عجبتني قصاصات االورق وافكارج خلال الرحلة
تصدقين يا ديما مدري ليش حسيت انج مثل كولومبوس
اكتشفتي ديرة يديدة
تهقين انتي اعدتي اكتشاف الكويت بس من منظور ثاني
but don't tell to my father ;p
و الله هي ما انتهت، انت بس ما شفت كل نتايج هالروحات :)
و على سالفة الروت
إسكت دورت بكل خرايط سيتي باص جود القى روت سنع من شارع المطار على طول ماكو
و خبرك من كثر ماني عليمية على بالي فيه شركة وحدة حق الباصات بس فيه نوع قديم و نوع جديد
بس ترى حتى لما أروح الجامعة بسيارتي أسفط بالعديلية و اروح من الجسر بلا زحمة مواقف بلا عوار راس، و هو أقرب طريج حق مبنى قسمنا
إلى جانب أني أستمتع بتلقي اتصالات عشوائية ممن شاهدوني و هم مارين في طريق المطار بسياراتهم على شان يقولون لي شفناج تعبرين جسر المشاة
3ad inty routich '3air shinsawy? mako illy nilga route yogaf 3ind shi'3ilch ba3dain yro7 ilkhaldiyah :D
و الله يا الزين وانا بالباص أحس اللي معاي اهمه اللي كانوا يستكشفوني
غريب في بلاد غريبة
أنا حافظة شوارع الديرة و كل داعوس فيها لأن مشروع التخرج كان عنها غير مشاريع ثانية اشتغلت عليها مناك... أول مرة أشوفها من هالزاوية
أحس كأنها رحلة محو أمية
نسيت شي على طاري طريقة التدوين
أنا سجلت صوت الرحلة، و لكن لم أعرف كيف أرفعها هنا على المدونة فراحت عليكم سوالف الاثنين اللي يمي
dayooooooom i'm comming next time no matter where the rout goes to ;)
وااااي يمه
لو بسويها
بموت من الخرعة
مو من خرعة المجازفة
بس من خرعة التوسوس
والقصص اللي بتنطط براسي وأنا قاعده داخل الباص
وناسة ؟؟
عفية عليج والله
الجميل انج نزلتي ماكتبتيه بخط ايدج
حتى اني لاحظت اثر اهتزاز الباص على الخط
قواج الله
والله حبيتج ديوم
المره الوحيده اللي ركبت فيها باص كانت وانا عمري 10 سنين مع ابوي
انا كل فتره اسوي مغامره يديده بالكويت
وتدرين ماشالله الديره تشوق ما تدرين تبدين شنو على شنو
فكنت قايله بس يبرد الجو بركب باص مع كامرتي
بس كنت مفكره اسويها جوله على الكويت
يعني يوم كامل
سو نطرت الجو يبرد شوي
وتراها ليلحين ببالي
اذا عزمتي نروح يميع
انا اصور وانتي مع مذكراتج
بلندن وانا مع الوالده بطريج المستشفى يوميا اقرا
خلصت 5 كتب ونص بس بالباصات رايحه راده
على فكره
فهد يقول اليوم باص باجر قاري
انا سويت القاري ههههه
انزين شلون كانت قياده السايق؟ سيتي باص معروفين برعونتهم ما احبهم متهورين
و شنو كانت الاغنية البديعه؟
عاد تصدقين .. انا توني اشوف البوست و اليوم و انا رايحه الدوام كان جدامي باص قدييييييييم باص تاتا عرفتيه؟ هذا اللي ودي اركبه عشان استعيد ذكريات المدرسة و الرحلات لأني ما اعتقد ركبت باص بالكويت غير باص المدرسه فراح يكون فلاش باك قوي .. و على شرط اقعد ورى آخر شي
و دريولنا عاش عاش
ok, since I don't have a car... can I borrow your car next time you take the bus?
I used to take the bus to soug f7ai7eel from el mangaf, when I was around 14 to buy PS games... sometimes I sneaked inside and didn't have to pay, well actually most of the time... and I remember once I sat in the women's section, cuz I didn't know, and then an indian lady came w asked me to move... I didn't, then she pointed at the sign that says "for women" or something, ba3dain esta7ait 3ala wayhi w I sat aaaa5er shay
أعتقد انى ركبت باصات بما يكفى لبقية عمري
بعدين ما هقيتها منك..اكو احد يصدق دراسة مسويتها بلدية الكويت؟
When you see a trainer at the Circus punishing lions to perform or stand on two feet, the audience usually clap..this is taken as a reward for this behaviour .. and i see alot of people doing the same here for this luxurious bus ride, instead of taking aim with VIRTUAL eggs and tomatos at this bus!
most of bus users have NO CHOICE in using the bus, its restricted to people with smaller income.. they simply have no better means for transportation.. evern in Western world.. the only other reason is that it maybe more convenient, saving the hastle of parking -with its expenses-
those working class population take the bus in every climate (snow, dust, rain) and not pick a convenient hour to use this facility .. seeing a full bus pass by followed by another, can only be managed by patience or curse!
the true meaning of this facility alot of people may never know, only those without an alternative ..only those without the golden spoon
Accessing a bus in kuwait -public or private- isent as easy as it should be.
i would have liked to see those 200 fils go to the benefit of people who worry about what they are going to be fed tonight, never mind getting on a bus!
this bus trip being in the social domain, can only be seen as a show off experience..even if the original intention wasent so otherwise, would would anyone make public statements about it!
wala yhimmich :D shakla bus lisboo3 ilyay matroos
و الله وناسة
الله يقويك
انا عاد كنت مسجلة صوت الرحلة لكن ما عرفت أحولها للمدونة
الكاري سويناها يهال
دشت مزاجي، يمكن أجربها الشتاء الياي مع ان ما احب البس بنطرون
حبتج العافية
بنفسجية البنفسج
و الله خوش شي سواقتهم و الدليل ان خطي مو وايد معتفس و انا اكتب بالباص
و حتى الحزة اللي يعتفس فيها يكون واقف و بدا يتحرك
منو ما يعرف تاتا، و انتبه باص مدرسة من ورا
الحين كل باصات انتبه باص مدرسة صارت حق نقل عمال
و والله لو ادري شنهي الغناية جان كتبتها، فهي ضربا من الأيقاع الأورجي و الصوت السحاكي تتخلله سيمفونية صاجات
و عاش عاش
ma hagait inna fee segregation! the bus wasn't full at all so I couldn't tell.. I wish I listen to more of such stories :)
مليت من اني ما اصدق، فقلت خل أصدق من باب التغيير
اي و ترى مسوين مسابقة بعد حق لوجو النقل العام إذا تبي تشارك
I understand your point, but I didn't intend it to be a show-off experience -why would I?-
and if you got that from the people's comments well i don't see clapping as much as a desire to participate..
I really wanted to start to seriously think of public transport because it can solve traffic problems and would also change or influence, or inspire cultural idioms and perspectives..
What I want to dilute is this connection between using the bus and our financial status. when you ask a person from Europe, he/she would definitely assure mindlessly that it is of an environmental concern or for the welfare of the society..
I really met people where they think it is a shame to have a car -and they're not necessarily tree huggers- they just found it an act out of laziness..
Well I didn't drop my car out, but I would really consider to manage a day off from my car_ but again it is not just an environmental concern I have -as it shows- it is also a cultural observation and indulgence.
تدوين داخل الباص
الخط معرج من خظة الباص
لفت نظري المملوح
غذا السالفة فيها مماليح
بأخلى الصبايا ياخذون لفة
عل وعسى الله يرزقهم
بواحد مثله
Miss Deema,
As it turns out, you're my idol of the week.
Nikon 8
تراوالي اللي بتودينهم الباص راح بدون مساومة يصكون على هالمملوح
I stand by what i said about the circus audience, they have an obligation to reward a desired behaviour and vice versa!
Using public transportation in this nation need an INFRA-STRUCTURE.. current facility is just not accessible. One need to bring the governments intention 1st before working on public awareness.. thats why a metro in Dubai will be used by the natives, because of the vision and planning that went into this project.
cant blame your courage for it, cant blame your excitement of being different, cant blame your desire to be the centre of attention and cant blame your enthusiasm, this is what we like to beleive "a free land" but, individual attempts -no matter how exciting it may seem on the day- is just like blowing at the wind! and i am not even a pessimist!
صباح الخيرات
والله وسويتيها
ماشاء الله عليج!
فكرة حلووة
والاحلى تدوينج وانتي بالباص!
اما المملوح هههههههااااي
اتمنى لج مغامرات جديده :)
I truly believe that any claim of change should start from people themselves, governments -especially if it is democratic- should be a system responsive to people's changes in culture.
what's happening in Dubai is a decision of one man.. in Kuwait I cannot count the decision makers, we shouldn't be against the way we're living but we should show our changing behaviors physically so that those 50 members respond physically. we always claim change verbally as a demand, we should start to act.
riding a bus is exactly like a woman sitting in the men's waiting room, is exactly like selling banned books, like any act against a stupid generalization of a cultural behavior.
I just picked the one less spoken about..
ريانة العود
شكرا لمرورك
Deema and the circus audience,
i agree with most of what you said. Change should come from people, yes. However, the part i disagree with is application and method of this excusion thats why individual attempts can have a negative impact rather than a positive one.
You just ask a lady or a guy who is getting harrassed -with every meaning this word can carry- for just wanting to be another Deema on the day by getting on another public (white and blue) bus at peak rush hour and not even managing a window seat!
Dubai is something that there isent enough word space to talk about here, despite everything wrong that is going on there,, when something positive comes out, there is nothing wrong in giving them -or him :P- credit for it!
As you eluded to, the biggest shame is when equality and freedom is handcuffed in the name of culture!
sigh :)
have some respect to people!
you wrote in your profile
واحد لا راح ولا يه
you well described yourself
Dear Anonymous,
from time to time, i encounter people like youself.. looks like you still have alot to learn in this life, because you allowed your muscles to take the better of you!
for a start, respect should come from within. Everyone should have an OPINION, this opinion is likely to be different than others, this makes us human beings.. as long as respect is maintained
funny how someone like me can provoke you, despite the fact that i never directed my messages to you as a person, maybe you have taken a bigger leap than your legs can carry you, or maybe you are chewing on a much bigger feed than your mouth can digest..
In anycase.. but wether you dont have a threshold for people's opinions or you are trying to impress! in either case, your motive was wrong, thats why with only two lines you wrote, u came out small,, very small
just remember,
رب عزيز أذله خلقه، وذليل أعزه خلقه
take it from ..
واحد لا راح ولا يه
next :)
You say, "I truly believe that any claim of change should start from people themselves."
Please explain; I hardly ever see great words like these mentioned by the non-ruling citizen.
Anonymous commentators are one person. You just keep that in mind.
As for public transportation as a method used by those of lower-income status, you're partially correct since it is so in many countries.
However, it isn't so in South America, where public transportation is considered a luxury, with people in suits and evening dresses get on the bus with everyone else. It's the culture.
Personally, perceiving public transportation as a necessity to preserve the environment would do wonders, especially in countries of high temperatures.
But public transportation is way off on the list when it comes to Kuwait. Taking care of other more crucial matters must supersede.
Anonymous commentators are not one person.
Dear Anon,
thank you for staying here for it is only recently that an anonymous arrives to this place, for the element of anonymity is interesting when associated to a place.
I wrote you a reply this morning, but the internet was down, and couldn't proceed to publish it..
well, to sum the whole idea i just want to say that we as people can be parts from the infrastructure of the society, just like electricity, water or streets, the difference is that we have minds. thus we can evaluate, choose and form and reform our spaces.
Alright. Not exactly what I had in mind, but alright.
i only want to say this..
i will say it first, and the history will prove it..
u will be the Frank Loyd Wright of Kuwait in the future ;)
good job :D
of course it's not you have in mind, it is neither exactly what i have in mind too, sorry for that but you how it feels when you write a long reply and then "puff" !
The Simper,
thank you :) .. but I can't carry this on my own..
lets teach our builders first then we can talk.. :D
Dear Anonymous, <-- the nice one!
There is a lot to talk about in your words that you addressed to me, so let me see.. And please don’t get offended by what I am about to say, I am just getting my point across,
1) I get the impression that you either live in a fantasy world or you are a foreign national. I have nothing against foreigners as i lived a substantial period of my life abroad where i had to stamp my Kuwaiti passport on a yearly basis in a place called "The Aliens Office"! in any case, u r very welcome to Q8
2) A lot of Evil acts were committed in this world because of anonymousity, take the KKK group in the states -another bad thing that came out of America- for example with all their racial crimes. That why some people say/do things they wouldn’t have said/done if they weren’t so anonymous! I know people who run some websites who send anonymous messages to themselves pretending they are from the public, just to "spicy up" the discussion, sick act I know! Thats not paranoia, these things happen
3) Funny you mention South America. I was there around the same time last year. Fantastic place, freindly people and wonderful working ethics . i must disagree that public transport is a form of luxury. It’s more "convenient". Men in suits and ladies in evening dresses is not exclusive to South America, people go out with an intention to socialise or to get drunk so they don’t have to run the risk of drunken driving! That’s culture for you
4) i am not an environment freak, i don’t even re-cycle! I care about the environment, i don’t litter for example! But, i am not giving up my car for the sake of the ozone layer.. The hell with that :)
5) I totally agree with your last bit, there are PRIORITIES in a country like Kuwait other than public transport.
just imagine someone in a coffee shop drinking an expensive coffee with raspberry for 2 kd and scribble on a piece of paper about the world poverty! in my books, it doesn’t add up!
I repeat that I am doing this out of an urge to shift perspectives, not out of sympathy or equality of status.
out of a an environmental participation, not mere devotion.
so I think you should take it easy because I actually never generalized a simple moment, I just try to give some moments or acts more value.
I don't know what's up with all of this "don't get offended" attitude blogger have going on. I don't get offended unless .. well unless I'm betrayed or something.
As for anonymity, you're looking at it from a "glass half empty" kinda perspective. great literary and musical works were composed by anonymous people whose value of their work superseded the importance of fame and fortune.
As for being an alien, you're only so if you perceive yourself as one. It's all relative to how you perceive yourself and the other.
As for that last example, yeah it does not necessarily add up. People who advocate for the impoverished should lead by example.
i am taking it alot easier than seem to be conveying. We are not made of bricks so its natural that we defend what we beleive in. Its not about right or wrong, its about different opinions and values. Thats why you see a variation from a person to another within the same society.
and here goes the white flag, peace peace..
thank u, thats more like it!
i have nothing further your honour :)
طلعتي جدعة يا بنت
الحلو في تجربتك انها كانت بدافع الإستكشاف
و بالتالي ما خلت من الملاحظة
يعني لا إجبار .. و لا ترفيه
أنا حالي من حال بو مريوم .. صعدت باصات ما يكفي لبقية عمري
و يمكن عمر الجيل القادم من بعدي
أذكر في مرة راجع بالباص أيام الثانوية و البيت بعيد
و رأسي تدور
و الباص يدور
و الأرض تدور
و الكون يدور هههه
ما وعيت إلا الصعيدي يقعدني .. يا ابني دحنا لفينا الكويت
و انت مش عاوز تنزل
بس والله كانت غفوة موفقة .. ساعدتني على الدراسة مباشرة حين عودتي لإمتحان
الغد .. دون الحاجة للإستقطاع من وقت الدراسة للنوم
Time management
طائر بلا وطن
هو الاستكشاف
و كم بالرحلة من أصوات و روائح و ووجوه و كلمات و أماكن، حتى و إن كانت حلما
walla 3afya 3leech !
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