Dear WWW,
I will be very grateful if you wouldn't mind spending 5 minutes on this survey I am doing for my final project.The problem, generally, is that Kuwait City is demolishing older buildings and building new ones with higher rents, and almost %80 percent of the residents who live there cannot afford this rise in rental cost, and cannot manage to find another place after the building they live/work in will be demolished. what they do now is basically circulate inside Kuwait city according to the "destroying list". they don't want to leave, they like it in the city but i need to get a Kuwaiti view over this issue,therefore I made a questionnaire and I will be thankful for those who can solve it and send it back to me or you can give me a quick comment, information or a question regarding this issue.
Age: ……………..
Religion: ……………….
Gender: Male Female
Marital Status: Single Married Have Kids
Education Status: Elementary Secondary High School Diploma Bachelor
Other ? ………………
Which governorate do you belong to?
Kuwait City Capital Hawalli Al Ahmadi Al Jahra
Al Farwaniya Mubarak Al Kabeer
1.Do you work in Kuwait City?
Yes No
2.How many non-Kuwaitis [expatriates] assist/work with you? ……………
3.How many of them minimal salary? …………….
4.Where do you think those people live? …………………………………………
5.How many of them are single, how many of them are married?
Single ……………. Married …………..
6.Do you prefer they live next to your work?
Yes No
7.Do you think allowing them to live in the city will decrease transportation rush hours?
Yes No
8.Would you want to live in the living spaces for those foreigners if you find them appropriate?
Yes No Maybe
9.Do you think they should be only for single foreigners or can include foreign families as well?
Single foreigners only Foreign families
10.Do you think that the foreigners who work in the city should live away from it?
Yes No
11.Can you imagine Kuwait City without non-Kuwaitis?
Yes No
Any comment regarding any question?
*Your answers are very appreciated, thank you*
Sorry D, bs your Q’s ma agdar help you with, cause where I work most of the time is in the south of the country and there for most of the co-workers are living around that area, mostly in those buildings in mahboolah and near by areas, I can’t even start to imagine if the company was in the city!??!?!?! Kuwait is small, and I believe they should be living a little bit out of the city, it’s crowded to the point that it can make have 3 to 5 nerves breakdowns per week!!
thanks for your comment ireally do appreciate it.
well the problem is that kuwait city isn't really crowded, it is crowded with future plans, but yet not thinking a bit of what is already happening in there.. most of the indians and bakistanians live there have some problems regarding rental costs, indians can live there, but i.e. if they were 5 in one room 4 years ago, now they are like 10 in one room!
maybe we will end up letting them away from the city, but they are very few who actually know where to go after this, it might bring there economy really down, even lower than what they are..
on the other hand, "il5aya6 man9or" wala il7ammaliya, ildrivers,farrasheen mustashfa ilameery.. i mean they are already into our life, we need them in the city don't you think so..?
on rush hours only the city gets crowded (with cars)
the only time it gets crowded (with people) is on fridays and sundays
apply it on your case, and try to imagine that you will let all the foreigners in your company live far away from your and their work..
Age: 30
Religion: muslim
Gender: Male * Female
Marital Status: * Single Married Have Kids
Education Status: Elementary Secondary High School Diploma Bachelor
* Other ? MBA
Which governorate do you belong to?
*Kuwait City Capital Hawalli Al Ahmadi Al Jahra
Al Farwaniya Mubarak Al Kabeer
1.Do you work in Kuwait City?
* Yes No
2.How many non-Kuwaitis [expatriates] assist/work with you? 8
3.How many of them minimal salary? 4
4.Where do you think those people live? Salmya -Hawaly- bnaid algar
5.How many of them are single, how many of them are married?
Single 1 Married 7.
6.Do you prefer they live next to your work?
Yes * No
7.Do you think allowing them to live in the city will decrease transportation rush hours?
Yes * No
8.Would you want to live in the living spaces for those foreigners if you find them appropriate?
Yes * No Maybe
9.Do you think they should be only for single foreigners or can include foreign families as well?
Single foreigners only * Foreign families
10.Do you think that the foreigners who work in the city should live away from it?
Yes * No
11.Can you imagine Kuwait City without non-Kuwaitis?
Yes * No
Any comment regarding any question?
Hope i helped here :)
Maha thank you SO MUCH :*
Age: 20
Religion: Muslim
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Education Status: High School
Which governorate do you belong to?
1.Do you work in Kuwait City?
2.How many non-Kuwaitis [expatriates] assist/work with you?
3.How many of them minimal salary?
4.Where do you think those people live?
Salmiya, Khaitan
5.How many of them are single, how many of them are married?
Single 70% Married 30%
6.Do you prefer they live next to your work?
7.Do you think allowing them to live in the city will decrease transportation rush hours?
8.Would you want to live in the living spaces for those foreigners if you find them appropriate?
9.Do you think they should be only for single foreigners or can include foreign families as well?
Foreign families
10.Do you think that the foreigners who work in the city should live away from it?
11.Can you imagine Kuwait City without non-Kuwaitis?
wish you enjoy solving it ;)
hey deema,
i proly don't think i would give you reliable answers for ur survey, since i don't know and i can't guess on where are the ones in question are living or their social activities and background.
i do work in kuwait city, we have many people working with us who are not kuwaities.. yet i don't know where all of them live. and this is why i don't think i should do ur survey.
well.. i guess this issue of ur survey is not handled well by the governmentl entities who are in charge of planning (or maybe setting the ground and rules for those who plan!, el majlis el baladi)
there has to be a sense for Kuwait City (KC). what type of a city it should be, what type of services should it provide, and if it has to be commerical, offices, residential, historic, cultural, governmental offices? all of these has to be answered..
and even on the micro level or the small scale of KC, there has to be cerain streets to have certain look and utility or theme, and also some places that should get this... not all places can get the sam building code!
we have a delima with this.. for example, there is a high rise tower that is very unique and modern, and right beneath it sits an old shop for upholstry! (tanjeed kishnat)
i belive the city council of KC should take care of this delima, yet we don't have a reliable city council (we have majlis baladi). they are not technically prepared to do this (7ad hom thanawiya). they have long track of conflict of interests (when they decide on building codes!) and lack of far enuff vision.
i would like to see more and more of the so called "THINK TANKS" in kuwait. they are the institutions with specialised people with the right experience and thinking and vision to put: forward plans, ideas, and suggestions that would be ready for the public to know about, and also for the people with descicion power to read about their (the think tanks) ideas.
as for planning, i always wanted a college of architecture here in kuwait that will do such thinking for our people and their future. now we have only architecture. i am still hoping to see a department of city/urban planning with plenty of reasearch resources and reasearch ability and MOST IMPORTANTLY people wih the ability and the URGE to do such things.
the scence now in KC, is infested with property owners with only investment ideas to have higher and higher towers.. no car parks are there.. no electricity to be connected, and no many things are there...
till when.. i have no clue..
what are the changes that are happening in KC and affecting people's life? plenty.. one of them is what u are talking about here..
as an openion, i feel that non-kuw people who are residing in kuwait have to have their places of meetings and places of get together.. this is the smallest of rights they should get, at the same time.. it really has to be planned and not to block any walkway or street..
this is a small thought from me, and i hope to hear from u about ur results inshala when u get it ready :)
Dear The Simper,
Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
you said all that theoretically based on a general observation which is the same deed of me once i was thinking first about kuwait city.
but you willl be more shocked when you get into the streets and ask those foreigners about where they live or where are they going to live after the buildings will be knocked down! most of them have no clue at all, or they already have(ilmitraysheen) or they talk to you furiously that they've been traveling mn mukan laimkukan coz they wanna stay here in the city, and they wanna have a good rental cost...
on the other hand they have murqab, and talk about it like Utopia, you have no idea how they love it_ can you imagine that in a barber over there while i was asking him my questions, another guy was saying.. why are they knocking down those houses,,, he said even new york has old buildings, old buildings means history!
yeah talk to my EDUCATED municipality i said to myself.
anyhow i am not trying to solve the problem because they are pathetic, it is because their problem is a stimulating material for architectural beauty to take over, not in a picturesque manner but rather in an architectural tactics that adds more depth to KC as a developing city.
kuwait city has a commercial value which makes the cluster of foreigners quite a common sense.. kuwait has lots of changes in events, that indicates a (changable building codes)
in a thesis you do in japan.. it will be interesting to deal with their building codes, in fact it's a stimulation for all their architects. but here in kuwait, there is a missconception regarding the meaning of architecture and its very relationship with economy.
thank you again simper and i will tell you about the results, although i have the statistics, these questionnaires brings life to those figures and numbers.
who said architects can deal with numbers?
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