استيقظت على صوت القارئ: و نفس و ما سواها، فألهمها فجورها و تقواها، و فكرت و أنا بين صحو و غفو أنْ ما هو الإلهام؟ و كيف نقيس اختلافه عن الهداية؟ أعلم أن النفس تتعب كلما ازدادت علماً و لهذا احتجبتُ عن الناس لعل العبء يخف لكنني ازددت تعباً بما علمت عن مكنونات نفسي التي بها انفردت، و لما هالني الكون المكنون، ذهبت لأطبخ مسقعة باميا كنوع من ممارسة الحياة الاجتماعية، و عندما اجتمعت المقادير و اتفقت المكاييل جلست إلى الطاولة أُبكي الطماطم و يبكيني البصل
تحتاج الباميا وقتاً طويلاً حتى ترتخي و تلين، هي كالذكرى؛ تنضج بعد مدة. لن يحتمل المارق رائحة الطبخ، بل و سينأى بعيداً خشية أن تعلق به، لكن سر الروائح يكمن بين القدور الساخنة، عندما تضج الحرارة في وجهي و تحمر يدي و تفوح عيناي، ترق نفسي لنسيم الكزبرة و أصبح أكثر حياةً . . . و لما استوى المرق انتهى في بطوننا الجائعة بعد أن مر على ألسنتنا الطامعة بالذوق
إن أجمل المصنوع ما يؤكل فلا يبقى مع الأشياء الكثيرة حولنا، يؤكل فيختفي في باطن الجسد ليذكرني بنفسي التي فُطرت على الضمور، و تستلهم التقوى و الفجور . . . ثم أهرب فلا يبقى مني غير توريد تنانيري
إن أجمل المصنوع ما يؤكل فلا يبقى مع الأشياء الكثيرة حولنا، يؤكل فيختفي في باطن الجسد ليذكرني بنفسي التي فُطرت على الضمور، و تستلهم التقوى و الفجور . . . ثم أهرب فلا يبقى مني غير توريد تنانيري
Though I didn’t understand a lot of words , I think I understood the deal , and If I didn’t I’m sorry because then the upcoming is complete nonsense XD , however I think the problem with all monotheistic religions ( with the possibility of exception for Christianity since I came to realize that some studies believe that while Christ had one message and acted upon it, he had two natures , I think best explained in Lawrence’s The Man Who Died ) is the presumption and promise that the soul and psyche of human nature is indeed one and can be achieved once understanding sometimes even without believing ,that is the imposition driven from the ideological guilt that anything else is due to utter vagueness caused by failing to rise up to the requirements provided can cause the biggest split that can never be brought together entirely . I don’t know if I make any sense I usually don’t, I always lose the point I wanted to express half way through XD
I like your post , bs swayed words mafehamt,hom but still its really good :D
well, If I got you right, then I disagree somehow, because there are clear texts that identifies the soul differently than the psyche, however they have the potential to unite, and I don't think requirements are to be worked upon or practiced to acheive unity, but rather a universal timely conscious of the habitual, the inner self/world (psyche falls here)-and the outer world either physical or metaphysical (soul falls here)..
when our lives get scattered it is not because we are not practicing well, it is either because we are drawn to the habitual which has a great strength due to the power of repetition, or because our conscious started to be drawn to details, which in both cases, not a very bad thing, it is just a phase that needs its time_ that's why you always hear that faith comes and goes, or has degrees..
it is important to scatter in order to unite, and it is more important not to take one state for granted..
in what I wrote, I was questioning the controversal value of the psyche, one that is inspired by God as it is explained in the Quranic verse.. and its relation to guidance that was proposed as the culture of humanity to find the right path, I find all the proposed values temporary yet inevitable..
While there are clear texts to identify and differentiate as you mentioned , or might ( am not exactly familiar with the studies , I get lost in the zillion interpretations , however I will take your word for it with the clear texts, mostly because there has to be ) anyways the problem is the imposition , you said that there is nothing wrong with paying attention to details or to quote you ( not a very bad thing) and that its just a phase , however , every phase has an outcome , you either believe more/less in whatever it is that made you question in the first place , now I don’t know if I should be generalizing her so I will just speak out of my own experience , this phase is not one that according to some you should take even if trying to identify or find peace or balance between the soul and the psyche , lest you choose a different outcome , and here is what I think is the problem because it somehow seems contradicting , at least to me , my kitty is REALLY annoying me at this moment biting my arm and jumping on the keyboard, its irritating , I completely forgot my point -_-'' ,anyways while I like and appreciate what you wrote I don’t think that’s the way it works here and not to generalize I will just say it isn’t the way it works with the people around me to say the least , they however say there is a huge difference between what is practiced and what ought to be , if I allow my somewhat prejudice to speak I’d say they are both the same , again that’s just me , I’m really sick of correcting the words my cat is messing , so Thanks! and te8able morore , whatever that means =) oh and one more thing after reading that old article I can’t believe I thought the brick was stuffed with cockroaches, eef :S
إبداع أمتعني
I liked it
الهداية دلالة
والإلهام إشارة
well, religion is both collective and subjective.. so what I think would definitely seem different than how other people, even those close to me may think otherwise..
although I couldn't make what you're trying to say but I guess there must be always a birth for a new understanding, I don't think I am living to find peace between self and soul, but rather to give birth to what motivates me to live more..
__ and you're most welcome :-)
Fahad Al-Askr,
أمتعني تعليقك :)
و بين الدلالة و الإشارة شبكة خطوط تقتضي الفهم
"I don't think I am living to find peace between self and soul, but rather to give birth to what motivates me to live more"
WANASA kinda rhyming =D "soul, more" i <3 it
i liked the tapering down of the big topic to the small one that we all like and understand :P i bet it was one small tasty topic at the end ;)
nice post & nice discussion, very informative
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