Thursday 3 January 2008


حكايات عالمية-السمكة الطائرة

dedicated to EarthQuaker


Hitman1 said...

First of all... are you really 23? You can't be that young and still know these.

Second, why and who in god name did the effort to make this into a YouTube video?!?!

Third... thanks for the memory :)

Someday said...

Walla 9ij ayam awal we had great cartoons!!!
But I have to agree with hitman1!!! you are too young to remember these things!:-P

Deema said...


walla ya hitman inny atithakkarhom o bilisim ba3ad laidarajat inna glt 7ag o5ooy li9'3eer qi9at
ذو اللحية الزرقاء
gbl la arid ashoofha marra thanya

i have older members in the family.. but they're not the reason i remember such things.. :P


but thanks i really felt great as this seems older than my age :P

Deema said...



you can find all the episodes under

حكايات عالمية

i saw alot already and just can't have enough!

it is all uploaded by kuwaitbutterfly in youtube there are great deal of cartoons in youtube..

yesterday i saw SINAN!! how refreshing :D



this story is funny, there are many other stories that were really scary that i can't believe how i actually watched them in the age of 4 or 5!!
look for qi9at
الحذاء الأحمر
it is really scary

and in fact i wasn't really shocked because i read before the original script of some classic stories and they are really terrifying!

Someday said...

D re7t to watch that episode on youtube, and when it started I remembered her dancing!!! God!! When was that?!??! It’s like 15 years ago!!!! And I could remember parts of it!!! Bs 9ij it’s scary!! Bs I still believe that those were great cartoons and tought great lessons, bill o Sebastian, Niles, haydy, salay, ge9a9 3alameyah, they were all great stuff!! Mo kids these days!!! They watch barney o poki moon!!!

Deema said...


sure kids memory is much stronger :D

bs tho illi7yat ilzarqa2 kanat a5ra3!!

nowadays alla bil5air,, alla y3afy XBOX :D

The Simper said...

ana min an9aar sindibad o grindizer o dyski o hikaro ;):D:D:D:D i like the song though in 7kayaat 3alamiya ;) etwanis :P

Deema said...

The simper:

hmm ana shift grindizer bs ma kint fahma mna illa "5air o shar", lakin ham la7agt 3ala il5umasi o kavamaru

bs i thought inta mn rabi3 جونقر w star trek :P

sar7an 3abdelba9eer said...

deemaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thnx 2awy 2awy o galabtay mawaje3 :=P , i have couple of cartoons like "elwamee`9 alazraq" + "senan" + "bamboo" bas im trying to get them on cd's to share them online enshala oo ill dedicate u the first episode men kel wa7ed :=P

oo shfeeha el xbox ! im a big fan of xbox360 so deray balech, e7temal enkhaser ba3a`9 tara! BEWARE :=P

sar7an 3abdelba9eer said...

and btw next time try to refresh the blog several times because il real player y3aleg , and ive got the cure's just like heaven song on :s

Deema said...


7ayak alla :P
ilwamee'9 ilazraq, ma ansa il7alqa illy ibmadeenat ilal3ab tinsi7ib roo7 ilnas mn illi3ba!

mashkoor for the dedication :P

tara check in youtube ako maqa6i3 mn musalsal 7abbaba mal maryam il'3a'9ban alla yer7amha :)

o mafeeha shay il XBOX ana ma gilt shay :P
a9lan 3ad ana ilwa7eeda ily ajabil o5oy lama yil3ab... bas ana 5irreejat 9a5ar o nintendo (2D) mn bidat t9eer ilashya2 3D gmt atidodah madry wain aro7!

bas a7ib ashoof shlon msaween li 3D space ily dar madar ily yamshy.. 3ajeeb.. i7na 3alasha nsawy mabna wa7id 3d ya5ith minna aqalha sboo3 famabalik hatha killa!!

,a fahamt salfat ilreal player, bas ok i will refresh it, itha ga66a3 ma3ak just 3eeda i guess madry :$

Deema said...



it makes more sense now :P:P